Services FAQ

You don’t offer copy editing or proofreading does that mean you’re not a good editor?
No, I don’t offer either of those services because I don’t particularly enjoy doing them and there are plenty of other editors out there who do enjoy these minute, detail orientated types of edits. I prefer the big picture, story construction types of edits so that is what I offer.

Why do you charge for beta reading? Beta reads are supposed to be free.
I charge for beta reading for several reasons. Firstly, you are paying for my experience, training and background in the industry. Second beta reading takes time away from my other clients and my own writing, if I am to offer a service then it needs to pay its way so to speak. And finally my beta reads come with a full editorial report and post beta read support, they are more like a light developmental edit than a standard beta read. 

If we don’t see each other face to face, how do I know I am getting a full hour?
You’re probably getting more than an hour, actually. You are getting the time it takes me to write up answers to your questions, any research I need to do to ensure you are getting the most appropriate answer for your individual circumstances, my time to develop any resources that will help you like video tutorials or documents. You also have up to an additional three emails to clarify my answers or ask additional questions that come up as a result of those answers.

Can I share any materials given to me during my session with other people?
No. resources I create for you during our mentoring sessions are for your use only. If others wish to use the resources, then send me a request and I will provide a link where they can purchase them for a small fee.

Do you offer a payment plan?
Yes. We can tailor a payment plan to suit your budget.

Are there additional costs?
Generally, no. However, sometimes extra sessions are needed or desired and/or the creation of resources not included in initial cost of the session will be required. In the event of these scenarios, all additional costs will be discussed and there is no obligation to proceed.

I don’t like the advice I was given can I get a refund?
I am sorry that you didn’t find your session helpful, but there is a no refund policy on editing or mentoring sessions. Often when we seek advice we are told things we don’t want to hear in the moment. My goal is to give you the tools you need to get your stories out into the world, so I will make the suggestions that I believe will help you achieve those goals you can choose to integrate those suggestions or not.

Do you have any formal training in editing?
Yes, I have completed training in developmental editing through the Editorial Freelancers Association and general editing and publishing training through the Australia College. But formal training does not always mean an editor is “good” or the right fit for you. I also have over twenty-five years of experience in critiquing my fellow authors, and countless courses in writing craft under my belt. My experience also includes a stint working for a local writers’ centre where I completed edits, critique, and gave publishing advice to members. In regard to mentoring and creativity coaching I have completed training in creativity coaching with renown psychotherapist and trainer Eric Maisel.

Will you publish my book for me?
No. Whilst I own a small publishing house, I am currently not equipped for the logistics of publishing multiple authors. This may change in the future; however, I encourage you to look into your options for either independently publishing or finding a publisher. If taking control of the entire publishing process for your work interests you and you’d like some advice on how to go about it, please feel free to check out my mentoring services. Alternatively, there are lots of resources out in the wilds of the internet to help those aspiring for a traditional publishing contract achieve that goal.

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